Sobre las Abejas Puertorriqueñas y del Caribe:
A soft selective sweep during rapid evolution of gentle behaviour in an Africanized honeybee
Atlas de Especies Invasoras de Puerto Rico
Bee vs. Mite! – Puerto Rico’s Honey Bees take on the Varroa Mite
FOTOS de Especies de Abejas de Puerto Rico
Genetic structure of the Africanized honey bee population (gAHB) in Puerto Rico
Gentle Africanized bees on an oceanic island
Landscape Analysis to Understand Orientation of Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Drones in Puerto Rico
Producción de Abejas Reinas (Por D. Pesante PhD.)FOTOS de Especies de Abejas de Puerto Rico
Genetic structure of the Africanized honey bee population (gAHB) in Puerto Rico
Gentle Africanized bees on an oceanic island
Landscape Analysis to Understand Orientation of Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Drones in Puerto Rico
Tugrul Giray Lab-University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, Department of Biology
Otros enlaces:
African honey bee - Apis mellifera scutellata (University of Florida)
Africanized Bees: Better Understanding, Better Prepared
Africanized Honey Bee Education Project (University of Arizona)
Amazing Benefits of Honey
Apitherapy News
ARS Honey Bee Health and Colony Collapse Disorder-United States Department of Agriculture
Basic Bee Biology for Beekeepers
BeehiveJournal - DIY Plans and Designs (Diseños y Planos para construir)
Bee Informed Partnership
National Management Survey Results 2014 – 2015
BeeSource Beekeeping Community
Buzz About Bees
El Apicultor Práctico - Apicultura Natural
Entomology Today
Estudio nacional de las plagas y enfermedades de la abeja melífera en Estados Unidos
FDA - Honey (Search results)
Honey Bee Surveys and Reports-United States Department of Agriculture
Honey benefits and nutrition facts - National Honey Board
Honey Traveler-Everything in the world about honey
La Apicultura y los Medios de Vida Sostenibles
La Vestimenta y las Herramientas del Apicultor
Making a Perone Hive The PermApiculture Way
Manual de Permapicultura de Oscar Perone
National Honey Board
Natural Beekeeping Trust
Organic Beekeepers Group
Organización Mundial de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura
División de estadísticas: Miel , colmenas, cera de abeja
Pollination: Plants for Year-round Bee Forage
Pollinator Partnership
Scientific Beekeeping (Beekeeping Through the Eyes of a Biologist)
Subspecies: The Place of Honey Bees in the World (look for: Apis Mellifera Scutellata)
Survey of Honey Bee Pests and Diseases-United States Department of Agriculture